Tuesday, April 28, 2015

It's Finally Monday

I had a loooong Sunday! Flying against the grain means you keep 'picking up' time, which SHOULD mean I look younger, but...no.

So, to summarise - I had a tear-less but loving arewell from my man
a good flight into LAX, and a relatively painless transfer to the smaller plane into Portland (sorry, PDX). At the carousel, I was surprised to see a snack wagon (don't know the technical term).
I met the friendliest shuttle drivers - both women - and checked into the Doubletree with no dramas. To stay awake I wandered the the Lloyd Center mall next door, did a bit of shopping and relived the American diner experience at Billy Heartbeats - the chilli fries were yum.

Even in the small-ish park next door, the trees are magnificent - unfortunately my point and shoot just doesn't do them justice, so I'll leave you with this instead...

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