Monday, June 4, 2012

Windmills (May 31)

The day didn't start well.  I was busy catching up with blog posts and emails and got going late, around lunch time.  That in itself was no problem.  It was supposed to be a quick trip down the road (10 minutes max) to refuel and head off on another driving trip.  But my usual road out of the village was barred due to resurfacing, and an hour later (literally) I finally found my way to where I was supposed to be going.  Sigh.  Saddest of all, is that 20 minutes into my wanderings I saw a sign heading back to where I'd started.  I refueled and started my hunt for old windmills.  I never did find the first one on my map.  I followed the tourist signs, tried to obey the detour directions (more resurfacing) but it eluded me.  You know that feeling when you wish you'd just stayed in bed?  I knew I was in the right area - I found plenty of these -
and then I let out a whoop - I found one!
 and another
 and another.
This one was moving.
These windmills are maintained by a group called something like Friends of the Windmills.  At this windmill a couple of Friends were doing this and that.  I then saw them move the windmill to catch the prevailing wind.
 There were a lot of beautiful old mill stones lying around.
There was one more windmill in the area.

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