Monday, May 11, 2015

Devils Tower and Sundance WY, Saturday 9 May 2015

On a recommendation from the waitress last night I headed for Devils Tower National Monument this morning. This place is famous for two main reasons - it is the first national monument in the US (thanks to Teddy Roosevelt in 1906), plus it featured in the movie - Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind. The place is quite special for Native Americans as well. I'd love to show you a photo I took, but the visibility was minimal and it was snowing. Bummer.

Getting was a test of nerves. Every mile or so I recalculated distances, the state of the weather and the road and where I could likely stay if the weather closed in.

The interstate speed limit was 80 (80!), but after trying this out, I thought 60-70 was probably safer, given the buffeting winds, the slick surface and the driving snow.

I ended up at the Best Western, Sundance WY, the place 'where the kid got his name'.

The snowstorm warning was enough to make me stay put for a while. My footsteps from the car to the hotel entrance.
After I checked in, the snow had built up quite a lot.


  1. Yikes. What happens when it all melts?

  2. Oh yes, the kid. And is this where they hold the Sundance Film festival? I have a faint memory that Robert Redford was a/the driving fore behind that festival's beginnings.
    (I remember seeing "B.C and the S.K" at the Burwood picture theatre, just blocks from our alma mater.)
    I'm so so glad you pulled over somewhere safe and snug for the night.
