Friday, May 4, 2012

Laduree (May 2)

I was back on the rue Royale this morning, as I wanted to have something from the luxury cake/pastry shop Laduree.  Apparently the macaron was invented here, but I opted for the Gateau St Honore.  I was so pleased I did.  The packaging alone was worth the price of admission.  I took my treat to the Tuileries gardens to eat in peace, carrying my prize in the gorgeous carry bag that's part of their service.
A MUCH nicer shade of blue than Tiffany's, don't you think?  Peering in, you can see a spoon and napkin tied with a ribbon and a beautiful box.
 Attention to detail - you feel very special, even though it's just paper and plastic.
 But this is what it's all about.
 Choux pastry, toffee, cream, creme patissiere, praline.
And the feeling of being rich and pampered.  All for only 6.70 euros.


  1. What gorgeous packaging! I'd throw the cake away to keep the box- not!

  2. I was going to ask how much these delicasies were costing you and then I saw a price on this one - $8.59 my converter tells me. Is that one upside down on the ground or am I not seeing it correctly? Good job you're doing plenty of walking, but then again you couldn't pass up these great looking treats. I can almost taste it!
